usually done rather quickly, within a week to two weeks. the base price is $5, with additional characters being $3 each. shading can be added for $2.
clean drawing
usually have a turnaround of a week to a month, with the base price of $8. additional characters are $5 each, and shading can be added for $3. simple backgrounds can also be added for $5 as well.
custom design
these take between two weeks to a month to complete. the base price is between $15 - $20, based on the complexity requested of the design.
tile background
usually take between two weeks to a month to complete. the base price is $10, with additional characters being $5 (MAX 2 CHARACTERS). it comes with three crayon doodles set on a canvas between 200x200 and 500x500.
can take up to a month to complete. simple animations include blinks and ear twitches. complex animations usually consist of multiple animations taking place at once, such as a head tilt and a blink at once. the animation will come as a head shot unless specified. simple animation base price comes to $10, and complex animations start at $20. to get a full body animation, it is an extra $5. the maximum is one character for complex animations, but i can do two characters for a simple animation. please specify if this is an icon or page doll so i know how to size it appropriately.